Thursday, January 27, 2011

Booking Through Thursday-Heavy

What’s the largest, thickest, heaviest book you ever read? Was it because you had to? For pleasure? For school?

I can think of a few books that impressed upon me their weight (and perhaps merit?)! The first heavyweight book I can remember reading is Gone with the Wind, back in elementary school. Then more recently I have faced some academic tomes that put even that massive book to shame....unfortunately none were so memorable that I can recall their titles now.

Gone with the Wind, I remember, was a treat back in fifth grade when I first read it-definitely for pleasure. It was one of the first "grown up" books I read, and it seemed all the more impressive at the time because of its length-and the massive 28 ER points I got for it in school. Of course, after reading I had to watch the movie...and attempted to read the sequel without success. I cried when a certain someone died in childbirth. In fact, every time I have reread that book I cry at that same point.

I don't much care for the book, now, but I was sure impressed with myself then for reading such a heavy book!


  1. Very impressive! I haven't actually got around to reading GWTW yet... it's sitting on my bookshelf and scaring me with its size!

    (Found your blog through the BTT listing, you have some really well considered reviews here! Looking forward to seeing more.)

  2. It is on my list too! I have cited a few more!

    Here is my BTT: Heavy Books post!

  3. I never read the book, but enjoyed the movie.Here is my answer to Booking Through Thursday.

  4. I read Gone With the Wind back in my teens as well but I don't have it, and wasn't sure if memory served me right about how big it was. So I put some others on my list instead.

  5. here's mine

  6. Wow, impressive to read at such a young age! I still have not read it but have wanted to.

  7. That's awesome! I read GWTW for the first time when I was 14 and have read it 3 more times since then and I'm now 19. It's my favorite book. I managed to read Scarlett, as well as Rhett Butler's People. I didn't really enjoy Scarlett, but I did like Rhett Butler's People. I think it held to the characters better. Too many times I found Scarlett and Rhett acting out of character in Scarlett. I love to read and just finished War and Peace last week. =)
